How to make a home inventory

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    Many people think that they don’t own things valuable enough to make a home inventory. They are probably wrong. Just imagine how much money would you need to replace everything you have. Go through every room with a calculator. Don’t stay longer than five minutes in each room. Use the calculator to sum the prices of everything you see in those five minutes. It’s OK if you can’t remember every price tag. This is just a drill to become aware of just how valuable your belongings are. That is why it’s important to make a home inventory. Whether you are planning to move or obtain home insurance. In either case, you will want to have some proof of the amount, condition and value of your belongings. Don’t let hurricane catches you unprepared. Or see that some of your stuff is missing a few months after the move.

    When to make a home inventory?

    Well, yesterday. It is easier to make a home inventory while you are first moving in an empty house or apartment. If you ask any of the Florida real estate agents, they will advise you to start writing it the minute you start to unpack, if you didn’t already do it while packing. But, because we can’t go back through time, you can start making your inventory as soon as possible. Even today is a good idea. It shouldn’t matter if you can’t finish it in one day. Nevertheless, it’s better to have some home inventory than not having any. And, if you’re planning to move soon, start making it the day you decide to move. It will help you get moving estimates with a bigger precision. Also, if you make this inventory, it’s going to be much easier to overlook the packing and unpacking process.

    Start to make a home inventory
    Don’t let the amount of stuff scare you, just get up and start your home inventory

    Steps to take

    If you are relocating to Florida perhaps you have decided that you want to ensure your stuff from potential natural disaster or theft. In that case, this is a way to make a home inventory:

    • prepare yourself, find the time and the right equipment,
    • go through every room documenting everything you see,
    • find the receipts and documents about the most valuable items,
    • make copies of your home inventory and store at least one away from home.

    Following these steps will help you make the inventory rather easy and without stress. Just try to start on time, to avoid the rush and make sure nothing gets forgotten.

    Prepare yourself, find the time and the right equipment

    Basically, to make a home inventory means that you should create a list of every item that you own. Whether it is furniture, home appliance, clothes, jewelry, or art collection. If you’re coming from the North East, consider hiring some New York to Florida moving professionals to handle your inventory and moving. Professionals have a lot of experience, so naturally, they will do the job the fastest way possible. Of course, if you decide to do it by yourself, just make some time for it and be well-organized. Professionals would probably use a digital camera or video camera to document everything, but your mobile phone can be of use, too. Not only you will be using it for taking photos or videos, but also for downloading helpful apps. Choose some of the great apps to help you make the inventory with ease.

    Mobile phone
    You don’t have to be a professional photographer, use your mobile phone camera to record your belongings

    Go through every room documenting everything you see

    Start with the room you think it’s the easiest to do, and then continue through others. Not only that you will see everything you have, but you can also get some ideas for home improvementFocus mainly on the bigger and more expensive items. Also, take a record of large groups of belongings. State the important things as what is the item, it’s estimated value, condition, and location in your home. No one expects you to capture every book, CD or sock you own. And if you have decided to take a video, make sure to speak out loud about the values of stuff. If you don’t know the current value, say the price that you have paid for it. However, remember to mention if you have purchased something on discount. It’s possible that some things cost more today than when you have made a purchase.

    A kitchen
    Go through every room and focus on the biggest and most valuable items

    Find the receipts and documents about the most valuable items

    Perhaps you are saving some receipts from the appliances you have bought recently. Mainly because you want to make sure that you can file reclamation in the guaranteed period for your new freezer, for example. If you do have those kinds of papers, remember to take copies or pictures of them. Afterword put them in a file with all the other recorded belongings to make the inventory properly. Don’t worry if you don’t have any additional documentation, but it’s good to have the written proof of item and its value. Also, remember to record the things you may have in some Florida storage or security safe. Take photos of serial numbers as well, if you can see them. And it’s not a bad idea to do this in the future, whenever you buy new items, to put them in your home inventory right away.

    Receipts and a laptop
    Add some receipts to your home inventory file if you can find them

    Make copies of your home inventory and store at least one away from home

    As you would do for most things in life when you make a home inventory, you should have a backup plan. Not that we wish this for you, but what happens if the hurricane takes away everything you own, including the home inventory? Then it becomes really a waste of time and energy to make it in the first place. That’s why you should make copies of it. Use an online Google drive, so you have access to it wherever you are. Also, you can place a copy in your family member’s home, just in case. But, whatever you do, when the moving day comes, make sure to have the original home inventory with you, and not in the back of the moving truck. So, if anything should happen and you see your stuff damaged when they unload, you’ll have the proof of their good condition prior to moving.


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