One of the most challenging and stressful moments in people’s lives is moving. If you don’t do it right, it can easily become your worst nightmare. On the other hand, moving is not much work when you break tasks into weekly to-do lists. Use our guide below to prepare for a local move, and you will actually enjoy this important event.

What should you do weekly to prepare for a local move?
Eight weeks before the move
The first thing you need to do is to find local movers in Miami. Check with BBB or get recommendations from friends and family who have recently moved. Consider additional insurance coverage that you may need for your travel. Ask potential moving companies about what kind of insurance is included and check your homeowner’s policies to see what it covers.
If you are moving to a new area, explore banks, doctors and schools. Collect all the necessary documents for creating new accounts.
Seven weeks before the move
When you prepare for a local move, get estimates in writing from at least three licensed moving companies. If possible, ask the appraiser to come to your home to make an inventory. Make a folder in which you can save all your current estimates and documents related to the movement. Make a list of businesses that you need to contact to change your address. Do not forget to also list your online accounts.
Six weeks before the move
The beginning of the packaging process begins with evaluating your cabinets and getting rid of clothes that do not fit or you no longer want. When the cabinets are done, start evaluating the objects by the rooms.
Make the first round of donations of unwanted goods to charity, sell goods online. Or have a garage sale to help pay for your move. If you have children, check with the current and future schools. They need to transfer school records and, therefore, give you a smooth transition.
Start packing things that you do not use very often. You can start with seasonal items, gadgets you rarely use and items from the attic or basement.
Five weeks before the move
Use food from the refrigerator, freezer and pantry. Avoid too many purchases before moving. Tell your friends and family members that you are moving. Text them your new contact information. If you want them to visit you, of course.
Get moving supplies, including boxes, packaging materials, tapes, labels and scissors. Do not forget to order special items such as boxes for the dishes and clothes. And everything else that your movers do not provide. In our other article, you can see how to save on moving supplies. Make a good labeling system. The key elements are numbered fields, colors for every room and the main list with inventory. In the end, make a packing schedule for the rooms and start packing.

Four weeks before the move
Fill out the official address change form at the US Post Office. Consult your list of businesses and services and make changes to the address of all accounts. Announce days off at work for the days you will need to prepare for a local move. Confirm all the documents with the movers in North Miami Beach you selected and double check that they have proper insurance.
Three weeks before the move
Cancel the delivery of all newspapers and set up delivery in the new area. Collect valuable documents, decorations and family relics. Keep these special items separate from your mobile boxes and make a plan for transporting them manually or through a tracked delivery service with insurance. Take an inventory of high-capacity items and videotape or take a picture of these items. Pay attention to any existing scratches or damage to your furniture.
Two weeks before the move
Tie the loose ends. Confirm that you have changed addresses, you have all the necessary insurance, and you are ready to make your move.
Make a package for new owners of your home with any guarantees, supplier recommendations and a note with your contact details. In case they have questions or need to send you a letter. If you are moving the big devices, make sure that they are cleaned, disconnected and ready for use. You need to defrost freezers and refrigerators. And you may need a professional to turn off gas lines on certain devices.
Take enough cash to tip your Miami movers. And make sure that you have enough money, checks or a credit card to pay for any unexpected expenses.
Last week to prepare for a local move
- You should turn off utilities in your current home one day after the moving date. It is useful if the utilities in your new home are turned on one day before the date of your move.
- Dispose of all flammable items that you cannot transport (paint, chemicals, aerosol cans).
- Back up all computers and have a plan for checking e-mail and paying bills online while your computer is on the road.
- Ask each family member to pack their suitcase. And tell them to imagine they are going on a two-week vacation. Remember all toiletries and comfortable clothes for unpacking.
- Complete the work with your moving company for the last time and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Confirm time of arrival on the moving day, as well as phone numbers. And you need to have the plan for the last minute. See our tips for hiring last minute movers in Miami for more information.
- Rent a cleaning company to come and do a quick cleaning after you leave. Or set the day when you return, and make sure everything is clean and in place for new owners.
- Celebrate the memories that you made in your home and get ready to start a new chapter in your life.
What will you get if you prepare for a local move in time?

First of all, you will reduce stress. Yes, it will still be tiresome. But, at least you will have everything planned and know what to do at what point. Otherwise, you can get into a situation where you don’t know what to do first. Therefore, start preparing for a local move in advance, and there won’t be any troubles.