Explaining anything confusing and new to children is hard, not to mention how explaining moving to them is complicated and hard. Just like adults, children can be either very excited or sad about relocation to a new home. But adults can easily understand the reasons for moving, while children can be worried, sad and angry. Children often react negatively and refuse to accept moving. This is why, if you’re planning to relocate, need to know how to explain the move to children. So, where to start? Start with arranging a family gathering for a nice meal and give your best to explain the moving. Moreover, you can take your kids into some of the most beautiful parks in Miami too. But if you still need some help, we’ll show you great tips for explaining the move to children. Let’s start!

Explain the move to children and care about their feelings
Just because they’re small, it doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings, too. Children are small to understand the moving, but they certainly know that something big is going on. They can feel the change. They can also feel parents being nervous. This can bring nothing but stress to them. This is why, when you start to explain the move to children, you should care how they feel. They will tell you how they will miss their friends and favorite places. If they get sad and nervous, don’t get angry at them. Speak with them how they feel and if you can help them somehow. Try to support them and emphasize positive aspects of the move. And for you, adults make sure to get some tips on how to meet your new neighbors to get your new life going.

Emphasize the excitement and positive aspects of moving
The best way to explain the move to children is to emphasize the excitement and positive aspects of moving. Tell your kids that relocation will be exciting and adventurous, not only sad. Make a list or power-point presentation of all great places the new neighborhood have. Let them feel happy and excited because of that. There are various age-appropriate books for children that describe moving. You just need to pick the best way to explain the move to children. You know your kids best. Moreover, kids won’t be able to handle the stress if you do not. So make sure to get your bearings. And learn how to prepare mentally for long-distance move.

Explain the move to children – Talk together about all Positive and Negative Aspects
Children may tend to think about just negative aspects of moving. If they start mentioning negative aspects don’t shush them. Be a good listener and have a conversation about both positive and negative aspects of moving. Negative aspects can be the loss of friends, loss of sense of belonging, sadness about leaving their house and more. Even if the new home is going to be bigger, and children can keep pets in their yard, keep in mind that they will be strangers in their new school. Changing school is the most frightening thing for kids and teens. You can support them to join some sports team, art colony or acting program. Talk about how you can deal with negative aspects of moving and reduce them to a minimum.

Moving with toddlers and preschoolers
If you’re moving with toddlers and preschoolers you have the easiest job to do. This is because children younger than 6 are the easiest to move because they have a limited capacity to understand the moving and upcoming changes. To help them understand the move, keep explanations clear and simple. Have in mind that they are small and have a limited vocabulary. The best way to explain the move to children who are small is to use books and toys. You can use toy houses and trucks to describe the move. Tell them they can keep their favorite toys and that they will get new toys, too. Just make sure to avoid big changes during the move such as toiler training or advancing kid to a bed from a crib.
Moving with school-age kids
Explain the move to children who are school-age is more difficult. While kids in elementary school may be open to a move, others can refuse to change the school and leave friends. This is why moving experts say that summer is the best time to move with school-age kids because it avoids disrupting the school year. Some experts say that midyear is better because the kid can meet other kids right away. We can suggest that you seek the help of a school psychologist and avoid stress.
Explaining the move to children – Moving with teens
It is known that teens react negatively to a move. Although there are exceptions, most teens rebel against a move. Teens, usually have their best friends, maybe even a romantic relationship. It’s going to be hard to explain the move to them, especially if they can’t wait for their prom. If you can, avoid moving around these events. It’s important to let your children know that you really care about how they feel. Tell them that you understand all the negative aspects they see, but encourage them to think about future changes like college or better job opportunities. Tell them they can keep in touch with old friends and visit them whenever they want to. Ask them about their wishes and offer your support.
Take your child to their new neighborhood
Words mean a lot, but seeing something with your own eyes is much worthy. To explain the move to children better, take them to visit their new neighborhood. In case you are not sure, make sure to check up on some Interstate moving guide so you at least get an idea how to handle this part. They will see how the new city is not that bad, especially if you show them some great places. You should take them to their new school and visit it for a few minutes to see how they feel. Take your children to a new home and ask them what they think about getting a pet! They will be delighted. You can take them to see interesting museums, restaurants, cinema, or if you’re moving to a different climate, on ice skating or skiing.