Beach house interior design ideas
There is nothing in this world that you own but like more than your beach house. I know, I’ve never known that type of love until I’ve gotten one of my own. The downside of owning a beach house is the fact that you constantly wish to invest in it – making it better every time. I’ve recently done an overhaul of my entire beach house interior, and I’ve changed a few things about it. Some were cheap beach house improvements, some… Not so much. However, the end result is stunning. Here are a few beach house interior design ideas you can use to make your getaway heaven a prettier place! I know I’ve loved mine even more ever since I’ve finished all the work.

Beach House Interior Design – A Few Suggestions
Basically, decorating a beach house is far easier than decorating a normal home. Why? The ocean view gives the inspiration and becomes the centerpiece. All you do with the house revolves around that centerpiece. This is why it becomes that much easier. You already have your main motive. You are basically able to decorate your home with the shells you find on the beach since each and every one of them will be perfect for your beach home. There are some changes and designs that you can do it yourself!
But, how can you make it even better? Here are a few ideas.
Colors of the Beach and the Sea
The main motive of your color scheme in your beach house should revolve around the colors you can find on your beach. So if you wish to do a paint job of the entire place, start thinking about the usage of natural colors (most of all those that can be found on the beach setting (sand, sea, rocks, shells, etc.)). You can always go mainstream, using natural schemes such as white, cream or brown and these will make your house very spacious and airy. Both combinations are a jackpot in my book. I’ve used the sand color for the majority of the inside of my beach home.
Enormous Windows

The point of your beach house is the beach and the sea. So please, make sure you are decorating your home towards the centerpiece. A beach house should be as opened as possible! The best beach house would almost have no walls. You need to be reminded with every glance that you own a house overlooking the sea and the beach – because that’s the whole point!
This is why you wish to have walls made out of glass. I know this may impact your privacy a tad, but you can use these glass walls in the main living room, or any room you spend the most time in. Your sleeping quarters can still use a different solution such as bamboo blinds or other light fabric covers.
Get as Much Brightness as You Can!
The main reasons you wish to go to a beach-oriented area is the sun! Hence, you should do everything you can to get as much sun as possible into your home. You don’t really want to chase sun out of it. Use the sunlight and boost the mood of all people residing in your beach home. Without it, you are risking your beach home looking sad and useless.
Adequate Flooring
The most common choice for flooring and the one I’ve chosen for myself is the timber or bamboo flooring since they are very resilient and gorgeous at the same time. You want to mix and match gorgeous with damage proof, hence this might be the best choice for you as well.
Your floors have to resist dust, sand, and even high humidity at times, so be careful.
The key here is to find perfect balance and harmony between robustness and elegance. You want everything inside to be pretty, naturally, but you still want everything to be resilient enough to withstand the ‘beach life’. Your furniture amounts to more than half of your beach house interior design!

You will want to go with furniture that has double roles. For instance, you could have your coffee table with extra storage space underneath, or having sofas that turn into beds for unexpected visitors. However, all of it needs to be very durable in order to withstand damages.
Even though this home is a very specific one, it still needs some essential furniture. You will have to own a large dining table, hopefully, made out of something that isn’t that easy to damage. A wooden plank table would be the best bet you could have.
Finally, the color. You should always aim for the same color scheme as your walls. You don’t have to do the same exact colors, just follow the light and relaxing pattern of coloring.
Beach House Interior Design – Accessorizing
Alright, this is one very cheap yet very effective way to change your beach house interior design. You need to accessorize like a pro! You should always try to leave your beach home uncluttered due to its size. Accessories you get should be as neutral as they can get, matching the seaside theme wherever and whenever possible. There are also some other affordable means to remodel your Florida beach house.
Some of my closest friends and I adore pirate fantasy and theme. Hence, most of our accessories are pirate oriented (boat wheel, black flags, rapier and cutlasses, bottles o’ rum, etc.). Of course, this may not be everyone’s taste, but it certainly gave my beach home an entirely new vibe – just with the use of a few accessories. You could achieve any other change you like, as long as you’re able to determine the theme you wish to follow.